

Robust Local Testability of Tensor Products of LDPC Codes

14 years 4 months ago
Robust Local Testability of Tensor Products of LDPC Codes
Given two binary linear codes R and C, their tensor product R C consists of all matrices with rows in R and columns in C. We analyze the "robustness" of the following test for this code (suggested by Ben-Sasson and Sudan [6]): Pick a random row (or column) and check if the received word is in R (or C). Robustness of the test implies that if a matrix M is far from R C, then a significant fraction of the rows (or columns) of M are far from codewords of R (or C). We show that this test is robust, provided one of the codes is what we refer to as smooth. We show that expander codes and locally-testable codes are smooth. This complements recent examples of P. Valiant [13] and Coppersmith and Rudra [9] of codes whose tensor product is not robustly testable.
Irit Dinur, Madhu Sudan, Avi Wigderson
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Irit Dinur, Madhu Sudan, Avi Wigderson
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