

Robust Monitoring of Network-wide Aggregates through Gossiping

14 years 3 months ago
Robust Monitoring of Network-wide Aggregates through Gossiping
Abstract—We investigate the use of gossip protocols for continuous monitoring of network-wide aggregates under crash failures. Aggregates are computed from local management variables using functions such as SUM, MAX, or AVERAGE. For this type of aggregation, crash failures offer a particular challenge due to the problem of mass loss, namely, how to correctly account for contributions from nodes that have failed. In this paper we give a partial solution. We present G-GAP, a gossip protocol for continuous monitoring of aggregates, which is robust against failures that are discontiguous in the sense that neighboring nodes do not fail within a short period of each other. We give formal proofs of correctness and convergence, and we evaluate the protocol through simulation using real traces. The simulation results suggest that the design goals for this protocol have been met. For instance, the tradeoff between estimation accuracy and protocol overhead can be controlled, and a high estimati...
Fetahi Wuhib, Mads Dam, Rolf Stadler, Alexander Cl
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IM
Authors Fetahi Wuhib, Mads Dam, Rolf Stadler, Alexander Clemm
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