

Robust Multi-View Boosting with Priors

14 years 7 months ago
Robust Multi-View Boosting with Priors
Many learning tasks for computer vision problems can be described by multiple views or multiple features. These views can be exploited in order to learn from unlabeled data, a.k.a. “multi-view learning”. In these methods, usually the classifiers iteratively label each other a subset of the unlabeled data and ignore the rest. In this work, we propose a new multi-view boosting algorithm that, unlike other approaches, specifically encodes the uncertainties over the unlabeled samples in terms of given priors. Instead of ignoring the unlabeled samples during the training phase of each view, we use the different views to provide an aggregated prior which is then used as a regularization term inside a semisupervised boosting method. Since we target multi-class applications, we first introduce a multi-class boosting algorithm based on maximizing the mutli-class classification margin. Then, we propose our multi-class semisupervised boosting algorithm which is able to use priors as a re...
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ECCV
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