

Robust recognition of 1-D barcodes using camera phones

14 years 6 months ago
Robust recognition of 1-D barcodes using camera phones
In this paper we present an algorithm for the recognition of 1D barcodes using camera phones, which is highly robust regarding the the typical image distortions. We have created a database of barcode images, which covers typical distortions, such as inhomogeneous illumination, reflections, or blurriness due to camera movement. We present results from experiments with over 1,000 images from this database using a Matlab implementation of our algorithm, as well as experiments on the go, where a Symbian C++ implementation running on a camera phone is used to recognize barcodes in daily life situations. The proposed algorithm shows a close to 100% accuracy in real life situations and yields a very good resolution dependent performance on our database, ranging from 90.5% (640 × 480) up to 99.2% (2592 × 1944). The database is freely available for other researchers.
Steffen Wachenfeld, Sebastian Terlunen, Xiaoyi Jia
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICPR
Authors Steffen Wachenfeld, Sebastian Terlunen, Xiaoyi Jiang
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