

Robustness of Signature Verification Systems to Imitators with Increasing Skills

14 years 9 months ago
Robustness of Signature Verification Systems to Imitators with Increasing Skills
In this paper, we study the impact of an incremental level of skill in the forgeries against signature verification systems. Experiments are carried out using both off-line systems, involving the discrimination of signatures written on a piece of paper, and on-line systems, in which dynamic information of the signing process (such as velocity and acceleration) is also available. We use for our experiments the BiosecurID database, which contains both on-line and offline versions of signatures, acquired in four sessions across a 4 month time span with incremental level of skill in the forgeries for different sessions. We compare several scenarios with different size and variability of the enrolment set, showing that the problem of skilled forgeries can be alleviated as we consider more signatures for enrolment.
Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Julian Fiérrez,
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Julian Fiérrez, Almudena Gilperez, Javier Galbally, Javier Ortega-Garcia
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