

A Role-Based Framework for Business Process Modeling

14 years 8 months ago
A Role-Based Framework for Business Process Modeling
Business objects are object-oriented representations of the concepts of interest in an organization, such as activities, resources and actors. Business objects collaborate with one another in order to achieve business goals, showing different behavior and properties according to each specific collaboration context. This means the same business object may be perceived differently depending on the business objects it is collaborating with. However, most approaches to business process modeling do not separate the collaborative aspects of a business object from its internal aspects. To cope with such issues, this paper makes use of role modeling to separate these concerns while increasing the understandability and reusability of business process models. This approach makes use of objectoriented concepts to separate a business process model into a business object model and a role model. The business object models deals with specifying the structure and intrinsic behavior of business object...
Artur Caetano, Marielba Zacarias, António R
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Artur Caetano, Marielba Zacarias, António Rito Silva, José M. Tribolet
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