

The Role of Organizational Culture in the Management of Clinical e-health Systems

14 years 5 months ago
The Role of Organizational Culture in the Management of Clinical e-health Systems
The research here presented focuses upon the informal, social, and cultural side of managerial coordination and control as manifested in clinical e-health systems. Specifically, the research seeks to analyze and determine the role specific dimensions of organizational culture may have upon effective managerial coordination and control in clinical e-health systems. The Problem Modern health care organizations are confronted with the advent of new clinical ehealth technologies as never before. Early evidence suggests great difficulty in the implementation of these new technological advances ( Bangert and Doktor, 2000). Telemedicine is a good example of this problem. Originally conceived as a two-way video conference between a primary care provider and patient at one end, and a specialist at the other end, telemedicine has evolved into a clinical information technology sub- system in which multi-media email and web-based applications transfer precise and detailed clinical patient informa...
David Bangert, Robert Doktor
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors David Bangert, Robert Doktor
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