

The Role of Spatial Relations in Automating the Semantic Annotation of Geodata

14 years 7 months ago
The Role of Spatial Relations in Automating the Semantic Annotation of Geodata
How can the usability of distributed and heterogeneous geographic data sets be enhanced? Semantic interoperability is a prerequisite for effectively finding and accessing relevant data in different application contexts. By using geospatial domain ontologies and semantic annotations of geodata based on these ontologies semantic interoperability can be achieved. However, since no automated methods for the semantic annotation of geodata exist this remains a laborious task, which data providers are neither willing nor capable to perform. In this paper we propose a method for automating the annotation process based on spatial relations. At the domain level, spatial relations play an important role for defining and identifying geospatial concepts. At the data level, spatial relations may be expressed through spatial processing methods, as we can calculate relations like topology, direction or distance between two spatial entities. We show how this potential can be exploited for automating th...
Eva Klien, Michael Lutz
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Eva Klien, Michael Lutz
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