

The Role of Word Sense Disambiguation in Automated Text Categorization

14 years 6 months ago
The Role of Word Sense Disambiguation in Automated Text Categorization
Abstract. Automated Text Categorization has reached the levels of accuracy of human experts. Provided that enough training data is available, it is possible to learn accurate automatic classifiers by using Information Retrieval and Machine Learning Techniques. However, performance of this approach is damaged by the problems derived from language variation (specially polysemy and synonymy). We investigate how Word Sense Disambiguation can be used to alleviate these problems, by using two traditional methods for thesaurus usage in Information Retrieval, namely Query Expansion and Concept Indexing. These methods are evaluated on the problem of using the Lexical Database WordNet for text categorization, focusing on the Word Sense Disambiguation step involved. Our experiments demonstrate that rather simple dictionary methods, and baseline statistical approaches, can be used to disambiguate words and improve text representation and learning in both Query Expansion and Concept Indexing appro...
José María Gómez Hidalgo, Man
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where NLDB
Authors José María Gómez Hidalgo, Manuel de Buenaga Rodríguez, José Carlos Cortizo
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