

RollingLight: Enabling Line-of-Sight Light-to-Camera Communications

8 years 10 months ago
RollingLight: Enabling Line-of-Sight Light-to-Camera Communications
Recent literatures have demonstrated the feasibility and applicability of light-to-camera communications. They either use this new technology to realize specific applications, e.g., localization, by sending repetitive signal patterns, or consider non-line-of-sight scenarios. We however notice that line-of-sight light-to-camera communications has a great potential because it provides a natural way to enable visual association, i.e., visually associating the received information with the transmitter’s identity. Such capability benefits broader applications, such as augmented reality, advertising, and driver assistance systems. Hence, this paper designs, implements, and evaluates RollingLight, a line-of-sight light-to-camera communication system that enables a light to talk to diverse off-the-shelf rolling shutter cameras. To boost the data rate and enhance reliability, RollingLight addresses the following practical challenges. First, its demodulation algorithm allows cameras with he...
Hui-Yu Lee, Hao-Min Lin, Yu-Lin Wei, Hsin-I. Wu, H
Added 14 Apr 2016
Updated 14 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Hui-Yu Lee, Hao-Min Lin, Yu-Lin Wei, Hsin-I. Wu, Hsin-Mu Tsai, Kate Ching-Ju Lin
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