

Romanian Semantic Role Resource

14 years 1 months ago
Romanian Semantic Role Resource
Semantic databases are a stable starting point in developing knowledge based systems. Since creating language resources demands many temporal, financial and human resources, a possible solution could be the import of a resource annotation from one language to another. This paper presents the creation of a semantic role database for Romanian, starting from the English FrameNet semantic resource. The intuition behind the importing program is that most of the frames defined in the English FN are likely to be valid cross-lingual, since semantic frames express conceptual structures, language independent at the deep structure level. The surface realization, the surface level, is realized according to each language syntactic constraints. In the paper we present the advantages of choosing to import the English FrameNet annotation, instead of annotating a new corpus. We also take into account the mismatches encountered in the validation process. The rules created to manage particular situation...
Diana Trandabat, Maria Husarciuc
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where LREC
Authors Diana Trandabat, Maria Husarciuc
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