

Room for a view: on the metaphysical subject of personal identity

14 years 3 months ago
Room for a view: on the metaphysical subject of personal identity
Sydney Shoemaker leads today's "neo-Lockean" liberation of persons from the conservative animalist charge of "neo-Aristotelians" such as Eric Olson, according to whom persons are biological entities and who challenge all neo-Lockean grounds that abstracting from strictly physical, or bodily, criteria plays fast and loose with our identities. There is a fundamental mistake on both sides: a false dichotomy between bodily continuity versus psychological continuity theories of personal identity. Neo-Lockeans, like everyone else today who relies on Locke's analysis of personal identity, including Derek Parfit, have either completely distorted or not understood Locke's actual view. Shoemaker's defense, which uses a "package deal" definition that relies on internal relations of synchronic and diachronic unity and employs the Ramsey
Daniel Kolak
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Daniel Kolak
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