

The Round Earth Project: Deep Learning in a Collaborative Virtual World

14 years 4 months ago
The Round Earth Project: Deep Learning in a Collaborative Virtual World
The Round Earth Project is investigating how virtual reality technology can be used to help teach concepts that are counter-intuitive to a learner's currently held mental model. Virtual reality can be used to provide an alternative cognitive starting point that does not carry the baggage of past experiences. In particular this paper describes our work in comparing two strategies for teaching young children that the Earth is spherical when their everyday experiences tell them it is at.
Andrew E. Johnson, Thomas G. Moher, Stellan Ohlsso
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where VR
Authors Andrew E. Johnson, Thomas G. Moher, Stellan Ohlsson, Mark Gillingham
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