

Round Optimal Distributed Key Generation of Threshold Cryptosystem Based on Discrete Logarithm Problem

14 years 8 months ago
Round Optimal Distributed Key Generation of Threshold Cryptosystem Based on Discrete Logarithm Problem
Distributed key generation is one of the most challenging tasks for threshold cryptosystems. Designing such a protocol and proving its security against a malicious, adaptive adversary are very important in practice. In this paper,we propose a one round distributed key generation protocol for discrete logarithm problem (DLP) based threshold cryptosystems. Our construction generalizes the scope of design of one round key generation protocol to a broad class of encryption schemes with efficient constructions of proofs of fairness. Since the protocol is one round (optimal), a simple protocol design can be achieved easily. Especially our scheme is compatible with an existing PKI where users may have their own preference on the encryption schemes. Furthermore, the publicly verifiable encryption with fairness developed in this paper can be used as building blocks of a variety of cryptographical applications such as publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS), e-voting and auction schemes.
Rui Zhang 0002, Hideki Imai
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ACNS
Authors Rui Zhang 0002, Hideki Imai
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