

Routing Questions to the Right Users in Online Communities

14 years 4 days ago
Routing Questions to the Right Users in Online Communities
Online forums contain huge amounts of valuable user-generated content. In current forum systems, users have to passively wait for other users to visit the forum systems and read/answer their questions. The user experience for question answering suffers from this arrangement. In this paper, we address the problem of "pushing" the right questions to the right persons, the objective being to obtain quick, high-quality answers, thus improving user satisfaction. We propose a framework for the efficient and effective routing of a given question to the top-k potential experts (users) in a forum, by utilizing both the content and structures of the forum system. First, we compute the expertise of users according to the content of the forum system-this is to estimate the probability of a user being an expert for a given question based on the previous question answering of the user. Specifically, we design three models for this task, including a profile-based model, a thread-based model...
Yanhong Zhou, Gao Cong, Bin Cui, Christian S. Jens
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where ICDE
Authors Yanhong Zhou, Gao Cong, Bin Cui, Christian S. Jensen, Junjie Yao
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