

Routing for Relief Efforts

13 years 11 months ago
Routing for Relief Efforts
In the aftermath of a large disaster, the routing of vehicles carrying critical supplies can greatly impact the arrival times to those in need. Since it is critical that the deliveries are both fast and fair to those being served, it is not clear that the classic cost-minimizing routing problems properly reflect the priorities relevant in disaster relief. In this paper, we take the first steps in developing new methodologies for these problems. We focus specifically on two alternative objective functions for the TSP and VRP: one that minimizes the maximum arrival time (minmax) and one that minimizes the average arrival time (minavg). To demonstrate the potential impact of using these new objective functions, we bound the worst case performance of optimal TSP solutions with respect to these new variants and extend these bounds to include multiple vehicles and vehicle capacity. Similarly, we examine the potential increase in routing costs that result from using these alternate objective...
Ann Melissa Campbell, Dieter Vandenbussche, Willia
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Ann Melissa Campbell, Dieter Vandenbussche, William Hermann
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