

RT-Xen: towards real-time hypervisor scheduling in xen

13 years 2 months ago
RT-Xen: towards real-time hypervisor scheduling in xen
As system integration becomes an increasingly important challenge for complex real-time systems, there has been a significant demand for supporting real-time systems in virtualized environments. This paper presents RT-Xen, the first real-time hypervisor scheduling framework for Xen, the most widely used open-source virtual machine monitor (VMM). RT-Xen bridges the gap between real-time scheduling theory and Xen, whose wide-spread adoption makes it an attractive platform for integrating a broad range of real-time and embedded systems. Moreover, RT-Xen provides an opensource platform for researchers and integrators to develop and evaluate real-time scheduling techniques, which to date have been studied predominantly via analysis and simulations. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the feasibility, efficiency, and efficacy of fixed-priority hierarchical real-time scheduling in RT-Xen. RT-Xen instantiates a suite of fixed-priority servers (Deferrable Server, Periodic Server, Po...
Sisu Xi, Justin Wilson, Chenyang Lu, Christopher D
Added 20 Dec 2011
Updated 20 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Sisu Xi, Justin Wilson, Chenyang Lu, Christopher D. Gill
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