

Rule-based workflow management for bioinformatics

15 years 2 months ago
Rule-based workflow management for bioinformatics
We describe a data-centric software architecture for bioinformatics workflows and a rule-based workflow enactment system that uses declarative specifications of data dependences between steps to automatically order the execution of those steps. A data-centric view allows researchers op abstract descriptions of workflow products and provides mechanisms for describing workflow steps as objects. The rule-based approach supports an iterative design methodology for creating new workflows, where steps can be developed in small, incremental updates, and the object orientation allows workflow steps developed for one project to be reused in other projects. Keywords Workflow ? Rule-based system ? Bioinformatics
John S. Conery, Julian Catchen, Michael Lynch
Added 05 Dec 2009
Updated 05 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where VLDB
Authors John S. Conery, Julian Catchen, Michael Lynch
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