

Rule Induction for Classification Using Multi-objective Genetic Programming

14 years 2 months ago
Rule Induction for Classification Using Multi-objective Genetic Programming
Multi-objective metaheuristics have previously been applied to partial classification, where the objective is to produce simple, easy to understand rules that describe subsets of a class of interest. While this provides a useful aid in descriptive data mining, it is difficult to see how the rules produced can be combined usefully to make a predictive classifier. This paper describes how, by using a more complex representation of the rules, it is possible to produce effective classifiers for two class problems. Furthermore, through the use of multi-objective genetic programming, the user can be provided with a selection of classifiers providing different trade-offs between the misclassification costs and the overall model complexity.
Alan P. Reynolds, Beatriz de la Iglesia
Added 14 Oct 2010
Updated 14 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where EMO
Authors Alan P. Reynolds, Beatriz de la Iglesia
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