

Run-time Evolution for Embedded Component-Oriented Systems

14 years 5 months ago
Run-time Evolution for Embedded Component-Oriented Systems
This position paper describes ongoing work in which the Java-based SEESCOA component system is extended with functionality for run-time evolution. First, an assessment is made of the state-of-the-art in dynamic updating, and the applicability of existing systems for dynamic updating is examined. Then a new approach is presented, in which the concept of ports is used to redirect messages between components. The problem of class-file reloading in the JVM is avoided by modification of the classes at load-time to include version information. The predictability requirement of embedded systems is assured by updating all component instances at once. KEY WORDS Dynamic Updating, Embedded Systems, Component Systems
Yves Vandewoude, Yolande Berbers
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICSM
Authors Yves Vandewoude, Yolande Berbers
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