

Runtime Monitoring of Message-Based Workflows with Data

14 years 2 months ago
Runtime Monitoring of Message-Based Workflows with Data
We present an algorithm for the runtime monitoring of business process properties with data parameterization. The properties are expressed in LTL-FO+ , an extension to traditional Linear Temporal Logic that includes full firstorder quantification over the data inside a trace of XML messages. The algorithm works "on-the-fly": it keeps in memory only the states that are necessary at each step. Initial results indicate that LTL-FO+ is an appropriate language for expressing data dependencies on message traces and that its processing overhead on sample traces is acceptable.
Sylvain Hallé, Roger Villemaire
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where EDOC
Authors Sylvain Hallé, Roger Villemaire
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