

Saddles and Barrier in Landscapes of Generalized Search Operators

14 years 3 months ago
Saddles and Barrier in Landscapes of Generalized Search Operators
Barrier trees are a convenient way of representing the structure of complex combinatorial landscapes over graphs. Here we generalize the concept of barrier trees to landscapes defined over general multi-parent search operators based on a suitable notion of topological connectedness that depends explicitly on the search operator. We show that in the case of recombination spaces, path-connectedness coincides with connectedness as defined by the mutation operator alone. In contrast, topological connectedness is more general and depends on the details of the recombination operators as well. Barrier trees can be meaningfully defined for both concepts of connectedness. Key words: Recombination, Genetic Algorithm, Fitness Landscape, Barrier Tree, Generalized Topology, Connectedness, Path Connectedness
Christoph Flamm, Ivo L. Hofacker, Bärbel M. R
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where FOGA
Authors Christoph Flamm, Ivo L. Hofacker, Bärbel M. R. Stadler, Peter F. Stadler
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