

Safe robot arm with safe joint mechanism using nonlinear spring system for collision safety

14 years 9 months ago
Safe robot arm with safe joint mechanism using nonlinear spring system for collision safety
—Collision safety between humans and robots has drawn much attention since service robots are increasingly being used in human environments. A safe robot arm based on passive compliance can usually provide faster and more reliable responses for dynamic collision than an active one involving sensors and actuators. Since both positioning accuracy and collision safety of the robot arm are equally important, a robot arm should have very low stiffness when subjected to a collision force greater than the injury tolerance, but should otherwise maintain very high stiffness. To implement these requirements, a novel safe joint mechanism (SJM-II) which has much smaller size and lighter weight than the previous model, is proposed in this research. The SJM-II has the advantage of nonlinear spring which is achieved using only passive mechanical elements such as linear springs and a double-slider mechanism. Various analyses and experiments on static and dynamic collisions show that stiffness of the...
Jung-Jun Park, Hwi-Su Kim, Jae-Bok Song
Added 23 May 2010
Updated 23 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICRA
Authors Jung-Jun Park, Hwi-Su Kim, Jae-Bok Song
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