

On Safe Service-Oriented Real-Time Coordination for Autonomous Vehicles

14 years 9 months ago
On Safe Service-Oriented Real-Time Coordination for Autonomous Vehicles
The performance of autonomous vehicles could be drastically improved if ad-hoc networking and suitable real-time coordination is employed to optimize and improve the joint behavior of multiple autonomous units. However, due to ad-hoc connections and the real-time interaction the correctness and safety of such coordinated autonomous units is very hard to ensure. In this paper we present how serviceoriented real-time coordination can be employed to achieve this goal. Based on the proper real-time coordination between two or more vehicles captured by a service contract, we focus on structural changes and the instantiation and termination of service contracts which is a crucial prerequisite for a safe system operation. We present how the structural changes and the service contract creation/deletion can be modeled by a well-defined UML subset consisting of class and object diagrams with collaborations as well as well-defined behavioral rules can be verified taking the dynamic structural...
Basil Becker, Holger Giese
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Basil Becker, Holger Giese
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