

SAFIRE: Towards Standardized Semantic Rich Image Annotation

14 years 7 months ago
SAFIRE: Towards Standardized Semantic Rich Image Annotation
Most of the currently existing image retrieval systems make use of either low-level features or semantic (textual) annotations. A combined usage during annotation and retrieval is rarely attempted. In this paper, we propose a standardized annotation framework that integrates semantic and feature based information about the content of images. The presented approach is based on the MPEG-7 standard with some minor extensions. The proposed annotation system SAFIRE (Semantic Annotation Framework for Image REtrieval) enables the combined use of low-level features and annotations that can be assigned to arbitrary hierarchically organized image segments. Besides the framework itself, we discuss query formalisms required for this unified retrieval approach.
Christian Hentschel, Andreas Nürnberger, Ingo
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where AMR
Authors Christian Hentschel, Andreas Nürnberger, Ingo Schmitt, Sebastian Stober
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