

Salient Regions for Query by Image Content

14 years 8 months ago
Salient Regions for Query by Image Content
Abstract. Much previous work on image retrieval has used global features such as colour and texture to describe the content of the image. However, these global features are insufficient to accurately describe the image content when different parts of the image have different characteristics. This paper discusses how this problem can be circumvented by using salient interest points and compares and contrasts an extension to previous work in which the concept of scale is incorporated into the selection of salient regions to select the areas of the image that are most interesting and generate local descriptors to describe the image characteristics in that region. The paper describes and contrasts two such salient region descriptors and compares them through their repeatability rate under a range of common image transforms. Finally, the paper goes on to investigate the performance of one of the salient region detectors in an image retrieval situation.
Jonathon S. Hare, Paul H. Lewis
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CIVR
Authors Jonathon S. Hare, Paul H. Lewis
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