

Sandy2x: New Curve25519 Speed Records

8 years 8 months ago
Sandy2x: New Curve25519 Speed Records
Abstract. This paper sets speed records on well-known Intel chips for the Curve25519 ellipticcurve Diffie-Hellman scheme and the Ed25519 digital signature scheme. In particular, it takes only 159 128 Sandy Bridge cycles or 156 995 Ivy Bridge cycles to compute a Diffie-Hellman shared secret, while the previous records are 194 036 Sandy Bridge cycles or 182 708 Ivy Bridge cycles. There have been many papers analyzing elliptic-curve speeds on Intel chips, and they all use Intel’s serial 64 × 64 → 128-bit multiplier for field arithmetic. These papers have ignored the 2-way vectorized 32 × 32 → 64-bit multiplier on Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge: it seems obvious that the serial multiplier is faster. However, this paper uses the vectorized multiplier. This is the first speed record set for elliptic-curve cryptography using a vectorized multiplier on Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge. Our work suggests that the vectorized multiplier might be a better choice for elliptic-curve computation, o...
Tung Chou
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Tung Chou
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