

SARI-SQL: Event Query Language for Event Analysis

14 years 8 months ago
SARI-SQL: Event Query Language for Event Analysis
Complex Event Processing (CEP) systems are capable of processing large amounts of events, utilizing them to monitor, steer and optimize business in real time. The lack of tracking events and maintaining the causal relationships and traceability between those events, as well as aggregating them to higher-level events, is a problem that is currently investigated by many research groups. In this paper, we present SARI-SQL, which is a domain-specific event-query language, (EQL) that is designed for business analysts to easily gain insight into business events. SARI-SQL enables the retrieval of near real-time events and can process historical events, metrics and scores for analytical purposes. We introduce the SARI-SQL syntax and show infrastructural components for the query engine. We further show examples to illustrate the query language, and propose a reference implementation for the query engine.
Szabolcs Rozsnyai, Josef Schiefer, Heinz Roth
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Szabolcs Rozsnyai, Josef Schiefer, Heinz Roth
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