

Satellite communications representation in network simulation

14 years 2 months ago
Satellite communications representation in network simulation
This paper presents methodologies to represent satellite communications (SATCOM) behaviors in network simulation. This paper is based on tasks performed for generic network warfare simulation that employs traditional network simulation models. The methodologies also include the integration issues of SATCOM tools and the network simulation models. We first characterize space segments and assets involved in warfare operations and exercises, and then analyze system behaviors to measure space-link performance design results. The techniques adopted in effect will augment traditional network models with SATCOM capabilities through specialized satellite analysis models. The SATCOM tools produce detailed satellite orbit characteristics and radio frequency (RF) performance analyses for public and commercial satellites with multiple microwave bands. Automated interface mechanisms between the SATCOM and network simulation models are being developed to provide more interactive model collaboration...
Kenneth Y. Jo
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where WSC
Authors Kenneth Y. Jo
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