

Satisficing scrolls: a shortcut to satisfactory layout

14 years 4 months ago
Satisficing scrolls: a shortcut to satisfactory layout
We present at a new approach to finding aesthetically pleasing page layouts. We do not aim to find an optimal layout, rather the aim is to find a layout which is not obviously wrong. We consider vertical scroll-like layout with floating figures referenced within the text where floats can have alternate sizes, may be optional, move from one side to the other and change their order. We also allow pagination. Our approach is to use a randomised local search algorithm to explore different configurations of floats, i.e. choice of floats and relative ordering. For a particular float configuration we use an efficient gradient projection-like continuous optimization algorithm. The resulting system is fast and provides an efficient warm start option to improve interactive support. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.7.2 [Document and Text Processing]: Document Preparation--Format and notation, Photocomposition/typesetting General Terms Algorithms Keywords optimisation techniques, floating fig...
Nathan Hurst, Kim Marriott
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Nathan Hurst, Kim Marriott
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