

Scaffold Filling under the Breakpoint Distance

14 years 1 months ago
Scaffold Filling under the Breakpoint Distance
Motivated by the trend of genome sequencing without completing the sequence of the whole genomes, Mu˜noz et al. recently studied the problem of filling an incomplete multichromosomal genome (or scaffold) I with respect to a complete target genome G such that the resulting genomic distance between I′ and G is minimized, where I′ is the corresponding filled scaffold. We call this problem the one-sided scaffold filling problem. In this paper, we follow Mu˜noz et al. to investigate the scaffold filling problem under the breakpoint distance for the simplest unichromosomal genomes. When the input genome contains no gene repetition (i.e., is a fragment of a permutation), we show that the two-sided scaffold filling problem is polynomially solvable. However, when the input genome contains some genes which appear twice, even the one-sided scaffold filling problem becomes NP-complete. Finally, using the ideas for solving the two-sided scaffold filling problem under the breakpoint dis...
Haitao Jiang, Chunfang Zheng, David Sankoff, Binha
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Haitao Jiang, Chunfang Zheng, David Sankoff, Binhai Zhu
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