

Scalable Alternatives to Virtual Output Queuing

14 years 7 months ago
Scalable Alternatives to Virtual Output Queuing
—To avoid head of line blocking in switches, Virtual Output Queues (VOQs) are commonly used. However, the number of VOQs grows quadratically with the number of ports, making this approach impractical for large switches. In this paper, we propose Dynamic Switch Buffer Management (DSBM) to tackle this problem. Similar to DBBM [3], it saves memory by reducing the number of buffers. Our scheme significantly improves the performance by dynamically assigning the incoming cells to the least occupied buffers.
Wladek Olesinski, Hans Eberle, Nils Gura
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICC
Authors Wladek Olesinski, Hans Eberle, Nils Gura
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