Scale free graphs have attracted attention as their non-uniform structure that can be used as a model for many social networks including the WWW and the Internet. In this paper, we propose a simple random model for generating scale free k-trees. For any fixed integer k, a k-tree consists of a generalized tree parameterized by k, and is one of the basic notions in the area of graph minors. Our model is quite simple and natural; it first picks a maximal clique of size k + 1 uniformly at random, it then picks k vertices in the clique uniformly at random, and adds a new vertex incident to the k vertices. That is, the model only makes uniform random choices twice per vertex. Then (asymptotically) the distribution of vertex degree in the resultant k-tree follows a power law with exponent 2+1/k, the k-tree has a large clustering coefficient, and the diameter is small. Moreover, our experimental results indicate that the resultant k-trees have extremely small diameter, proportional to o(lo...