

Scaling Up Whole-Book Recognition

14 years 7 months ago
Scaling Up Whole-Book Recognition
We describe the results of large-scale experiments with algorithms for unsupervised improvement of recognition of book-images using fully automatic mutual-entropy-based model adaptation. Each experiment is initialized with an imperfect iconic model derived from errorful OCR results, and a more or less perfect linguistic model, after which our fully automatic adaptation algorithm corrects the iconic model to achieve improved accuracy, guided only by evidence within the test set. Mutual-entropy scores measure disagreements between the two models and identify candidates for iconic model correction. Previously published experiments have shown that word error rates fall monotonically with passage length. Here we show similar results for character error rates extending over far longer passages up to fifty pages in length: we observed error rates were
Pingping Xiu, Henry S. Baird
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Pingping Xiu, Henry S. Baird
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