

Scene warping: Layer-based stereoscopic image resizing

12 years 4 months ago
Scene warping: Layer-based stereoscopic image resizing
This paper proposes scene warping, a layer-based stereoscopic image resizing method using image warping. The proposed method decomposes the input stereoscopic image pair into layers according to the depth and color information. A quad mesh is placed onto each layer to guide the image warping for resizing. The warped layers are composited by their depth orders to synthesize the resized stereoscopic image. We formulate an energy function to guide the warping for each layer so that the composited image avoids distortions and holes, maintains good stereoscopic properties and contains as many important pixels as possible in the reduced image space. The proposed method offers the advantages of less discontinuous artifacts, less-distorted objects, correct depth ordering and enhanced stereoscopic quality. Experiments show that our method compares favorably with existing methods.
Ken-Yi Lee, Cheng-Da Chung, Yung-Yu Chuang
Added 28 Sep 2012
Updated 28 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where CVPR
Authors Ken-Yi Lee, Cheng-Da Chung, Yung-Yu Chuang
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