

Schema Evolution in Federated Information Systems

14 years 6 months ago
Schema Evolution in Federated Information Systems
Mediators – used in federated information systems – provide a homogeneous read-only access to a set of autonomous information sources. To achieve semantic integration of the heterogeneous data, correspondences between the autonomous schemas are specified manually by experts. Considering the continuous evolution of those typically long-living information systems, schema evolution is an important aspect. New concepts are necessary to adapt correspondences consistently to evolving schemas. In this paper we propose a formalized schema evolution mechanism for federated information systems based on metamodeling and dynamic logic. We define useful transactions for schema evolution based on three elements: (1) a metamodel for ODMG schemas, (2) a metamodel for model correspondence assertions (MoCAs), and (3) a classification of evolution actions and their specification. For each evolution transaction, semantic preconditions are specified and the impact on the correspondence assertions...
Susanne Busse, Claudia Pons
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 28 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where BTW
Authors Susanne Busse, Claudia Pons
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