

Score-PCM Music Synchronization Based on Extracted Score Parameters

14 years 7 months ago
Score-PCM Music Synchronization Based on Extracted Score Parameters
Abstract. In this paper we present algorithms for the automatic timesynchronization of score-, MIDI- or PCM-data streams which represent the same polyphonic piano piece. In contrast to related approaches, we compute the actual alignment by using note parameters such as onset times and pitches. Working in a score-like domain has advantages in view of the efficiency and accuracy: due to the expressiveness of scorelike parameters only a small number of such features is sufficient to solve the synchronization task. To obtain a score-like representation from the waveform-based PCM-data streams we use a preprocessing step to extract note parameters. In this we use the concept of novelty curves for onset detection and multirate filter banks in combination with note templates for pitch extraction. Also the data streams in MIDI- and scoreformat have to be suitably preprocessed. In particular, we suggest a data format which handles possible ambiguities such as trills or arpeggios by introducing...
Vlora Arifi, Michael Clausen, Frank Kurth, Meinard
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CMMR
Authors Vlora Arifi, Michael Clausen, Frank Kurth, Meinard Müller
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