

SE-155 DBSA: a device-based software architecture for data mining

14 years 7 months ago
SE-155 DBSA: a device-based software architecture for data mining
In this paper a new architecture for a variety of data mining tasks is introduced. The Device-Based Software Architecture (DBSA) is a highly portable and generic data mining software framework where processing tasks are modeled as components linked together to form a data mining application. The name of the architecture comes from the analogy that each processing task in the framework can be thought of as a device. The framework handles all the devices in the same manner, regardless of whether they have a counterpart in the real world or whether they are just logical devices inside the framework. The DBSA offers many reusable devices, ready to be included in applications, and the application programmer can easily code new devices for the architecture. The framework is bundled with connections to several widely used external tools and languages, making prototyping new applications easy and fast. In the paper we compare DBSA to existing data mining frameworks, review its design and pre...
Janne Kätevä, Perttu Laurinen, Taneli Ra
Added 17 May 2010
Updated 17 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where SAC
Authors Janne Kätevä, Perttu Laurinen, Taneli Rautio, Jaakko Suutala, Lauri Tuovinen, Juha Röning
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