

S.E.A.L. - A Query Language for Entity-Association Queries

14 years 6 months ago
S.E.A.L. - A Query Language for Entity-Association Queries
The paper presents the S.E.A.L. query language and interpreter for entity-association queries that allows such queries to be expressed in a much simpler way than in SQL. S.E.A.L (Simplified Entity Association Language) also supports Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) data structures, enabling users to write queries without having to know whether a particular attribute is a regular attribute or an EAV attribute. The language allows parts of a query to be omitted if they are implied by the rest of the query, and the interpreter will infer the missing requirements, or ask the user to resolve the ambiguity. S.E.A.L. makes it easier for users of databases, particularly science and eCommerce databases, to make use of the valuable information in their databases. .
Edward Stanley, Pavle Mogin, Peter Andreae
Added 25 May 2010
Updated 25 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ADC
Authors Edward Stanley, Pavle Mogin, Peter Andreae
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