

The Search of Causal Orderings: A Short Cut for Learning Belief Networks

14 years 6 months ago
The Search of Causal Orderings: A Short Cut for Learning Belief Networks
Abstract. Although we can build a belief network starting from any ordering of its variables, its structure depends heavily on the ordering being selected: the topology of the network, and therefore the number of conditional independence relationships that may be explicitly represented can vary greatly from one ordering to another. We develop an algorithm for learning belief networks composed of two main subprocesses: (a) an algorithm that estimates a causal ordering and (b) an algorithm for learning a belief network given the previous ordering, each one working over different search spaces, the ordering and dag space respectively.
Silvia Acid, Luis M. de Campos, Juan F. Huete
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 28 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Silvia Acid, Luis M. de Campos, Juan F. Huete
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