

Searching the wikipedia with contextual information

14 years 2 months ago
Searching the wikipedia with contextual information
We propose a framework for searching the Wikipedia with contextual information. Our framework extends the typical keyword search, by considering queries of the type q, p , where q is a set of terms (as in classical Web search), and p is a source Wikipedia document. The query terms q represent the information that the user is interested in finding, and the document p provides the context of the query. The task is to rank other documents in Wikipedia with respect to their relevance to the query terms q given the context document p. By associating a context to the query terms, the search results of a search initiated in a particular page can be made more relevant. We suggest a number of features that extend the classical querysearch model so that the context document p is considered. We then use RankSVM (Joachims 2002) to learn weights for the individual features given suitably constructed training data. Documents are ranked at query time using the inner product of the feature and the we...
Antti Ukkonen, Carlos Castillo, Debora Donato, Ari
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CIKM
Authors Antti Ukkonen, Carlos Castillo, Debora Donato, Aristides Gionis
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