

On Second Generation Distributed Component Systems

14 years 1 months ago
On Second Generation Distributed Component Systems
Abstract: Two of today's most used buzz-words in the context of software development are the terms Componentware and Distributed Object-System. The combination of both ideas is then called a Distributed Component-System, meaning a componentware approach where the components are distributed across the network. Today's approaches fulfill the application developers' needs only partly. Also, most are more or less cumbersome to use. I want to call such part-solutions like e.g. Corba, Enterprise Java-Beans and others first generation distributed component systems. In fact, Corba has a different origin, but for the moment let me consider it to be a first generation componentware system, too. In this paper I want to identify the requirements that have to be fulfilled to design and implement a second generation distributed component system. There is one main aspect behind all of the ideas of second generation systems: a good distributed component system is one that the applicatio...
Klaus Schmaranz
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where JUCS
Authors Klaus Schmaranz
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