

Secure deletion myths, issues, and solutions

14 years 6 months ago
Secure deletion myths, issues, and solutions
This paper has three goals. (1) We try to debunk several held misconceptions about secure deletion: that encryption is an ideal solution for everybody, that existing data-overwriting tools work well, and that securely deleted files must be overwritten many times. (2) We discuss new and important issues that are often neglected: secure deletion consistency in case of power failures, handling versioning and journalling file systems, and meta-data overwriting. (3) We present two solutions for on-demand secure deletion. First, we have created a highly portable and flexible system that performs only the minimal amount of work in kernel mode. Second, we present two in-kernel solutions in the form of Ext3 file system patches that can perform comprehensive data and meta-data overwriting. We evaluated our proposed solutions and discuss the trade-offs involved. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.4.6 [Software]: Operating Systems—Security and Privacy Protection; D.4.3 [Software]: Operati...
Nikolai Joukov, Harry Papaxenopoulos, Erez Zadok
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Nikolai Joukov, Harry Papaxenopoulos, Erez Zadok
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