

Securing XML data in third-party distribution systems

14 years 5 months ago
Securing XML data in third-party distribution systems
Web-based third-party architectures for data publishing are today receiving growing attention, due to their scalability and the ability to efficiently manage large numbers of users and great amounts of data. A third-party architecture relies on a distinction between the Owner and the Publisher of information. The Owner is the producer of information, whereas Publisher provides data management services and query processing functions for (a portion of) the Owner’s information. In such architecture, there are important security concerns especially if we do not want to make any assumption on the trustworthy of the Publishers. Although approaches have been proposed [4, 5] providing partial solutions to this problem, no comprehensive framework has been so far developed able to support all the most important security properties in the presence of an untrusted Publisher. In this paper, we develop an XML-based solution to such problem, which makes use of non-conventional digital signature t...
Barbara Carminati, Elena Ferrari, Elisa Bertino
Added 29 Jun 2010
Updated 29 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CIKM
Authors Barbara Carminati, Elena Ferrari, Elisa Bertino
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