

Security and User Guidelines for the Design of the Future Networked Systems

14 years 9 months ago
Security and User Guidelines for the Design of the Future Networked Systems
—Emergence of new networking technologies and paradigms provides users multitude of ways to communicate with each others and exchange information irrespective of time and place. Diversity of the available environments, however, sets requirements for the design processes so that the new architectures can offer a concise and secure usage experience. This cannot be answered in an off-hand fashion or as an addon feature, but security and usability need to be taken into account right from the start. Seamless design cooperation of both is vital in achieving secure user experience. In this paper we discuss how security and user design guidelines within the ubiquitous future environment can be used to enhance both the security and user experience of the communication services. The paper brings forth network, service and user level aspects that need to be kept in mind when considering the technology oriented design processes of such networks. Keywords-Ambient Networks, design, security, user ...
Seppo Heikkinen, Sari Kinnari, Kari Heikkinen
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICDS
Authors Seppo Heikkinen, Sari Kinnari, Kari Heikkinen
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