

Security Patterns for Capturing Encryption-Based Access Control to Sensor Data

14 years 8 months ago
Security Patterns for Capturing Encryption-Based Access Control to Sensor Data
—A security pattern describes a particular recurring security problem that arises in specific contexts, and presents a well-proven generic solution for it [1]. This paper describes a generic solution that ensures end-to-end access control for data generated by wireless sensors and consumed by business applications, based on a new approach for encryption-based access control. The existing security mechanism is captured as Serenity (“System Engineering for Security and Dependability”) security patterns that describe a security problem and its solution stract way. The structured description makes the security solution better understandable for non-security experts and helps to disseminate the security knowledge among application developers.
Ángel Cuevas, Paul El Khoury, Laurent Gomez
Added 01 Jun 2010
Updated 01 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Ángel Cuevas, Paul El Khoury, Laurent Gomez, Annett Laube
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