

See What You Sign: Secure Implementations of Digital Signatures

14 years 6 months ago
See What You Sign: Secure Implementations of Digital Signatures
An expectation of a signature system is that a signatory cannot dispute a signature. Aiming at this, the following questions arise: Can documents in electronic commerce on the Internet become legally valid without the implementation of signature procedures on secure computers with trustworthy user input and output? Can systems which lack secure user input and output be manipulated in such a way that financial damage arises? How should the liability for signatures made with systems without secure user input and output be assigned? This contribution provides arguments in support of the necessity for computers with secure user input and output as prerequisites for the achievement of bindingness. It is discussed that an economic way to achieve this is the development of portable devices. It is also discussed how the distribution of such devices can take place. Secure Orders over the Internet using Digital Signatures Currently, an increase in electronic commerce over the Internet can be obs...
Arnd Weber
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where ISN
Authors Arnd Weber
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