

Segmentation Using The Edge Strength Function As A Shape Prior Within A Local Deformation Model

15 years 1 months ago
Segmentation Using The Edge Strength Function As A Shape Prior Within A Local Deformation Model
This paper presents a new image segmentation framework which employs a shape prior in the form of an edge strength function to introduce a higher-level influence on the segmentation process. We formulate segmentation as the minimization of three coupled functionals, respectively, defining three processes: prior-guided segmentation, shape feature extraction and local deformation estimation. Particularly, the shape feature extraction process is in charge of estimating an edge strength function from the evolving object region. The local deformation estimation process uses this function to determine a meaningful correspondence between a given prior and the evolving object region, and the deformation map estimated in return supervises the segmentation by enforcing the evolving object boundary towards the prior shape.
Added 10 Nov 2009
Updated 26 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICIP
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