

Segmentation of Vector Fields by Critical Point Analysis: Application to Brain Deformation

14 years 8 months ago
Segmentation of Vector Fields by Critical Point Analysis: Application to Brain Deformation
MRI examinations may be used to monitor the progress of neurological disease. Arising structural changes can then be quantified using non-rigid registration procedures. However, the interpretation of the resulting large scale vector fields is difficult without further processing. We propose using contraction mapping to detect critical points such as attractors and repellors in order to characterize deforming areas. With the application to time series images we show, that critical points help to get a better perception of the brain deformation and the underlying pathological process.
Gert Wollny, Marc Tittgemeyer, Frithjof Kruggel
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICPR
Authors Gert Wollny, Marc Tittgemeyer, Frithjof Kruggel
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