Cascode CMOS op-amps use a large number of external bias voltages. This results in numerous drawbacks, namely, an area and power overhead, susceptiblity of the bias lines to noise and cross-talk and high sensitivity of the bias point to process variations. In this paper we present a self-biasing technique for folded cascode CMOS op-amps that uses no additional devices and no baas voltages other than the two supply rails. The resulting self-biased op-amps are free from the above mentioned drawbacks and exhibit the same performance as existing folded casode op-amps, except for a small d u c t i o n in slew rate. This is achieved by following transistor sizing constraints derived through detailed circuit analysis. The technique is applied to an existing high performance op-amp. Simulation results show that the high performance is maintained while nine bias voltages are eliminated.
Pradip Mandal, V. Visvanathan